Banana Muffins

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Banana Muffins

Yes, "Muffin" does not sound healthy or dietary... BUT!!!!

Last weekend I found those 3 bananas in my fruit-bowl... kind of ...well...  yucks... over-ripe - and I don't like ripe bananas AT ALL. So I thought - why not try to make muffins...

Please try this recipe - it's SOOOO easy. And the muffins are delicious!

2 - 3 very ripe bananas

2 eggs

Baking powder


Oats (I put half of the im the kitchen machine , the rest are for the "crunch"

Buckwheat flour (optional! or any other kind of flour you like - but you also just use Oats)

I added no sugar - the bananas are sweet enough, but this is totally up to your tast. If you are a sweet-tooth I recommend to use e.g. coconut blossom sugar or syrup, as this has no negative effect on your bloodsugar level.

Oven: 180 C / aprox. 40 minutes depending on size



Buckwheat is a very good source of manganese and a good source of copper, magnesium, ,dietary fiber, and phosphorus. Buckwheat contains two flavonoids with significant health-promoting actions: rutin and quercitin. The protein in buckwheat is a high quality protein, containing all eight essential amino acids, including lysine. While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel making it a suitable substitute for grains for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains that contain protein glutens. Buckwheat flowers are very fragrant and are attractive to bees that use them to produce a special, strongly flavored, dark honey.

Bananas are good for your heart. They are packed with potassium, a mineral electrolyte that keeps electricity flowing throughout your body, which is required to keep your heart beating. Bananas' high potassium and low sodium content may also help protect your cardiovascular system against high blood pressure.



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DIY: Black Mask


DIY: Black Mask

First of all: NO, dont eat that (even though even if you did, it would be ok, just not thaaaaat tasty)

Activated carbon as you get in in every pharmacy is not only a medicineto cure diarrhea - its also a very good and cheap way to cleanse your skin.

Simply mix the activated carbon with either curd or gelatine (if you are vegan you can use agartine) or even both. Put it evenly on your face and let it dry - then wash or peel (it's a bit ouch!) it off.

...and please DO NOT follow some Youtube videos mixing activated carbon wit GLUE - I am not a dermatologist, but somehow I am quite sure that glue will do your skin no good...

Your skin will be soft like a baby butt!





... another recipe for Asparagus: Asparagus-Tempura


... another recipe for Asparagus: Asparagus-Tempura

OK - I admit, Tempura is not the best way to prepare vegetables... but a very yummy one.

You can eithee get a ready-made tempura mix from your favourite asia-grocery or you can simply make a batter with eggs, water and rice-flour (you can also use any other type or even corn starch)

Serve it with spicy crout-salad or sweet chili sauce.








You have already made your sandwich with slices of cucumber instead of bread? Nice... but not necessary. At least not, if you take a bit time and prepare your own bread. It's so easy!!

And here is the basic-recipe:

1 pack of low-fat curd (use the normal fat one if you like.... this fat will not make you fat)

3 - 4 eggs (depending on the size)

1 pack baking powder, (a bit of water or soda - or even milk or any-vergan milk - if necessary)

Oats and Oat-bran, a pinch of salt

Additonal to that you can add whatever you like! Nuts (whole or ground), leeks, dried tomatoes, rosemary.... anthing. Just make sure that the dough is not too hard but rather sticky and moist. Bake in a non-sticky form for approximately 50 minutes at 200 ° celsius (if you are not sure whether the bread is done use a wooden chopstick to test it inside - still sticky? Give it 5 more minutes)

My favourite recipes are walnuts & leeks and sundried tomatoes & rosemary! Eat it while it's still warm...with a bit fresh butter and salt... yummy

Oats, known scientifically as Avena sativa, are a hardy cereal grain able to withstand poor soil conditions in which other crops are unable to thrive. Oats gain part of their distinctive flavor from the roasting process that they undergo after being harvested and cleaned. Although oats are then hulled, this process does not strip away their bran and germ allowing them to retain a concentrated source of their fiber and nutrients. Technically, oat bran is not a whole grain (since it's actually only one part of the oat grain). But because of its exceptionally high fiber content, it can be considered a whole grain. A bowl of oat bran contains about 50% more fiber than the same size bowl of oatmeal, making it more effective at lowering cholesterol and in its weight loss properties. And because it is mostly fiber, oat bran has less calories than the same amount of oatmeal.  A three-quarter-cup serving of cooked oat bran contains only 66 calories, compared to 124 calories in the same amount of cooked oatmeal.  Oat bran also has more antioxidants, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and zinc than oatmeal.





After Workout Meal: Spelt-Pasta with Asparagus, Tomatos and Basil / Yogurt&Fruits


After Workout Meal: Spelt-Pasta with Asparagus, Tomatos and Basil / Yogurt&Fruits

After a hard workout you HAVE TO "re-fill" your glycogene-depot / carbohydrate-reservoir... otherwise you might end up a bit dumb (Yes! Trustme on that! Carbohydrates are important for your brain!! So you better not live on a no-carb diet!)

My trainer (...the evil one) totally EMPTIED my depots last friday - leaving the functional area of the gym I hardly made it down the stairs (now I know why the offer a stair-lift... should have been a warning! Watch out for the signs!!!) - so after making it home somehow first thing I did was cooking Pasta, quick and easy carbohydrates for my poor and tormented body.

Spelt Pasta - Asparagus - Tomatos - Basil - Grana Padano

Spelt Pasta - Asparagus - Tomatos - Basil - Grana Padano

Basil - a member of the mint family- has been used as a medicinal plant, and its oils and extracts are said to have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Fragrant fresh basil, for instance, offers a healthy dose of blood-clotting vitamin K -- 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh basil provide 27% of the RDA -- as well as vitamin A, manganese, and magnesium.

As this dish is not tooooo rich in proteins make sure you have a good amount of proteins in addition - for example some curd cheese or yogurt with fruits!

Strawberries - Yogurt - Honey

Strawberries - Yogurt - Honey



Office Food: Microwaved Asparagus and Egg with Smoked Salmon


Office Food: Microwaved Asparagus and Egg with Smoked Salmon

Some people say, they can't eat proper food in the office... they don't have time ...they don't have the possbility to prepare it - and then they go and get themselves a fatty sandwich from the discounter next door.....

Blablabla! This dish is prepared in less than 10 minutes and all you need is a microwave (which I bet 99% of all offices have!)

Asparagus - Smoked Wild Salmon - Poached Egg - Lemon butter

Asparagus - Smoked Wild Salmon - Poached Egg - Lemon butter


Asparagus is a good source of Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. The fleshy green spears of asparagus are both succulent and tender and have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. This highly prized vegetable arrives with the coming of spring, when its shoots break through the soil and reach their 6-8 inch harvest length. In California the first crops are picked as early as February, however, their season generally is considered to run from April through May. The growing season in the Midwest and East extends through July.





"Hide that stuff(ing) Squash"


"Hide that stuff(ing) Squash"

You have tried the greek "gemista"? You thought it's tasty and easy to handle? Here another idea to prepare and serve minced meat.

I use mixed minced meat (use any minced meat you like - beef, lamb, veal, even chicken is fine),  cooked rice - and lots of parsley, nana-mint and origano - but try any spice you like!

Either bake the stuffed squash (zucchini) as they are in the oven or cover them with tomato-sauce (just some chopped tomatos from the can are fine - cook them with garlic, lemon zest and origano - no need for more) and braise them. You can also put some feta-cheese (or mozzarella... or any cheese you like) on top of it all and let it melt in the oven

Squash (Zucchini) also called courgette in some parts of the world, is believed to have been first cultivated up to 10,000 years ago! A favorite among low-carb dieters and anyone who wants to lose weight fast, zucchini has a very low score on the glycemic index. Due to its high water percentage, zucchini is low in calories, carbs and sugars, but high in essential nutrients like potassium, manganese, and antioxidants like vitamin C.




Taste of Greece - Stuffed Tomatos "Gemista"


Taste of Greece - Stuffed Tomatos "Gemista"

Summer is coming - and I'm SOOOO ready for it!

Why not have some typicial greek dish to make waiting a little easier ? Stuffed Tomatos and Peppers are not only delicious but also easy to prepare (especially you have guests and dont want to spend too much time in the kitchen)

You can fill the vegetables (I prefer tomatos, but thats totally up to your taste) either with minced meat or - in case you are vegetarian - with rice, chopped tomato and dill. Both ist ypical greek as you can order it in every little taverna.

If you need a side dish simply put some potatos in the oven together with the stuffed vegetables - this will make them tasyt and juicy. make sureyou use high quality olive oil and a bit of lemon to get that holiday taste ;)


Tomatos are a good source of Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium and Manganese.

But above that Tomatos are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.






Quick Thai-Curry with Chicken


Quick Thai-Curry with Chicken

South-east-asian cuisine is my favourite (who would have guessed...) - I love the spices   - and I love the healthiness and lightness of the dishes!

There is one ingredient which stands out - TURMERIC (curcuma). Not only that it gives your currys that wonderful neon-yellow colour (you might want to wear kitchen-gloves when handling turmeric...)  - but also it's kind of a "magic-root".

This easy curry is ready in 15 minutes - and it will do you really good!

Turmeric is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, and colic.




Post-Workout Meal .... or "Good-Start-in-the-Day" Breakfast


Post-Workout Meal .... or "Good-Start-in-the-Day" Breakfast

After a hard workout you have to make sure, that you fill up with proteines AND carbohydrates. Why carbohydrates (Oh God WHY???) ?? This is because the carohydrate reservoir (Glycogene depot) in the human body is limited and depleted quite fast.

Make sure you eat "good" (slow) carbohydrates most of the time - but if you have that craving for "something else" - after workout is the moment you can allow yourself some goodies (within 1, max. 2 hours after workout!)

Here some very quick and easy ideas for a post-workout dish which is ready in 3 minutes:

1 egg - radicchio - tamatos - peppers - chili - chives - avocado

1 egg - radicchio - tamatos - peppers - chili - chives - avocado

Eggs - don't be afraid to eat them! I know: eggs had a rather unwholesome reputation. Thanks to its high cholesterol content, the egg was deemed villainous. BUT - along with milk, eggs contain the highest biological value (or gold standard) for protein. One egg has only 75 calories but 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, along with iron, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids. The egg is a powerhouse of disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults. And brain development and memory may be enhanced by the choline content of eggs.

1 egg - mushrooms - peppers - chives / full grain rye-oat bread

1 egg - mushrooms - peppers - chives / full grain rye-oat bread

1 egg - onion - spinach - mushrooms - tomatos

1 egg - onion - spinach - mushrooms - tomatos







Breakfast: Overnight Oats with berries


Breakfast: Overnight Oats with berries

Oats????? ... the mushy kind your grandma used to prepare for you when you were a child and sick?! No - forget all that!!

Oats can be really delicious. Served for breakfast the slow-burning carbohydrates in oats will not only keep you filled up for a long time and are easy to prepare but will also do a lot of good for your health as ats, oat bran, and oatmeal contain a specific type of fiber known as beta-glucan - several studies have proven beneficial effects of this special fiber on cholesterol levels

oats - oat milk - berries - low fat yogurt

oats - oat milk - berries - low fat yogurt


Oats - only a cup of it provides you with over half of the trace mineral manganese you need daily. Manganese plays a part in the formation of connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors and sex hormones, and aids in energy metabolism, calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation and normal brain function. You'll also meet 15 to 18 percent of the daily value for phosphorus, zinc and selenium and 10 percent of the daily value for iron from eating 1 cup of cooked oats. These minerals support your immune system, healthy bones and teeth and proper red blood cell production.





Salmon with caramelized Radicchio and spicy Spinach


Salmon with caramelized Radicchio and spicy Spinach

Even if this dish might look "difficult to cook" it's not - salmon is a very easy to be prepared fish and doesnn't need a lot of cooking or seasoning skill, because of its own delicious taste. Serve it just wit a llittle pepper and sea salt (try "Maldon" flakes!)

You might say - Radicchio?? But that's so damn bitter!  - NO! Not if you caramelize it with baslsamic vinegar. Try it!



Salmon s an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12) but it is their content of omega-3 fatty acids that receives the most attention.

Radicchio and other bitter foods such as leafy greens, cacao, herbs, and bitter melon all contain liver-boosting nutrients such as sulfur, along with fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).





Grandma's Vegetable Soup (the not so vegetarian way)


Grandma's Vegetable Soup (the not so vegetarian way)

My Grandma used to cook the perfect vegetable soup - it was not only a soup, that you eat as a starter - it was a whole meal. And because my grandma thought that nothing is "food" without meat - of yourse the vegetable soup was not toooo much vegetarian friendly ;)

This is also a perfect lunch in the office - simply throw everything in a pot, add some (selfmade!!) soup powder and water and....ready!


carrots red and yellow - fennel - potatoes - tomato - parsnip - smoked ham

carrots red and yellow - fennel - potatoes - tomato - parsnip - smoked ham

Parsnips have healthy levels of minerals like iron, calcium, copper, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium.

Parsley can provide much more than a decoration on your plate. Parsley contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits. The first type is volatile oil components—including myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. The second type is flavonoids—including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin.




Chicken pot with hungarian red pepper


Chicken pot with hungarian red pepper

The "hungaro-austrian" kitchen is full of lovely, tasty dishes... for slim people. Or those who don't care too much. Well - I do.... but honestly - can you resist that typical "Paprikahenderl" with wonderful and soft little dumplings or spiral-noodles aside? I can't.... but at least I try to resist the side dish. So why not prepare the "Paprikahendl" with the typical taste but without the white flour -  we simply replace the side dish with cauliflower that is braised in the pepper-sauce...

Chicken-Cauliflower-Peppers-Hungarian Red Pepper Powder

Chicken-Cauliflower-Peppers-Hungarian Red Pepper Powder

Cauliflower is a good source of Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Pantothenic Acid and Manganese. Plus: Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has also been shown to kill cancer stem cells, thereby slowing tumor growth. Some researchers believe eliminating cancer stem cells may be key to controlling cancer.





Gratinated broccoli... the slim way


Gratinated broccoli... the slim way

Well - I love gratinated food... I simply love the crust and the smell and the taste - but not so much the calories :(

Try this low calorie way of gratinating - you will love it! Simply use low fat curd cheese, egg.... and to give it a little crunch roast some bacon (try to use the "not-so-fat" one..and roast it until all the fat is gone - drain the rest on a kitchen paper )


Broccoli - curd - egg - bacon

Broccoli - curd - egg - bacon


Broccoli ist not only very low in calories, but s also a good source of Protein, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Selenium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese.






The "nothing-at-home" no-carb tuna wrap


The "nothing-at-home" no-carb tuna wrap

Your fridge is empty....oh wait there's this half a can of tuna from yesterday and a bit of curd-cheese... plus each one radish and red pepper (whoever had left that...) and some green salad, just not enough for a salad....

That is the moment when you usally grab the phone and call for emergency (or rather the nearest delivery service) - OR you try these No-Carb tuna rolls which are delicious and will make tuna really fancy!


Green salad - tuna - curd cheese - radishes - red and green peppers

Green salad - tuna - curd cheese - radishes - red and green peppers

Take whatever green you have at home to wrap - well - whatever you have at home inside. Make sure you use lots of spices or a bit of lemon zest to take "simple tuna" to another level ;)

Tuna is a good source of Vitamin B6 and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Niacin, Vitamin B12 and Selenium. Use tuna that is canned in water if you want to use less fat. And please MAKE SURE that the tuna has a dolphinsafe label, such as the MSC label!

Radishes are a natural cleansing agent for the digestive system, helping to break down and eliminate stagnant food and toxins built up over time.With a very low calorie count, less than 20 calories in an entire cup, radishes are a great way to add nutrients, fiber and tons of flavor to your meals without compromising your health.





Marinated fillet of chicken with salad of black spanish radish and fennel


Marinated fillet of chicken with salad of black spanish radish and fennel

Not a lot of time to cook but still you want to eat somthing special - try this quick and easy dish with marinated chicken that takes only 15 minutes until it#'ready to serve.

Chicken fillet - Soy Sauce - Ginger - Garlic - Black Spanish Radish

Chicken fillet - Soy Sauce - Ginger - Garlic - Black Spanish Radish

Black Spanish Radish is a good source of vitamin C; provide about 15 mg or 25% of DRI of vitamin C per 100 g. Vitamin-C is a powerful water soluble anti-oxidant required by the body for synthesis of collagen. It helps the body scavenge harmful free radicals, prevention from cancers, inflammation and help boost immunity. In addition, it contains adequate levels of folates, vitamin B-6, riboflavin, thiamin and minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper and calcium.

Fennel will not only help you, when you feel bloated, but is also a good source of Niacin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium and Manganese.




Yellow Curry & Coconut Lentil-Soup with spicy Cilantro-Meatballs

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Yellow Curry & Coconut Lentil-Soup with spicy Cilantro-Meatballs

You have that desperate need to spice up your life? Why not start with your food. This spicy, creamy soup will add a bit heat to everyday's life


Lentils - Coconut Milk - Yellow Curry Paste / Minced Meat - Cilantro - lots of spices ;)

Lentils - Coconut Milk - Yellow Curry Paste / Minced Meat - Cilantro - lots of spices ;)


Lentils are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. Not only do lentils help lower cholesterol, they are of special benefit in managing blood-sugar disorders since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal. But this is far from all lentils have to offer. Lentils also provide good to excellent amounts of seven important minerals, our B-vitamins, and protein—all with virtually no fat. The calorie cost of all this nutrition? Just 230 calories for a whole cup of cooked lentils. This tiny nutritional giant fills you up—not out.




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Taste of Greece - Holidays on a plate


Taste of Greece - Holidays on a plate

Even though the weather starts gettin' a bit more pleasant (well...a tiny bit), still it's much too long until summer - so why not get yourself a bit of greek summer taste to overcome that melancholy?

Spinach - feta cheese - tomato - olive oil - lemon

Spinach - feta cheese - tomato - olive oil - lemon

For this simply but delicious, typical greek dish you can use either spinach or any other green leave such as chard (mangold), dandelion or nettle - each greek househould has it's own sepcial mix of greens for "horta". Make sure you use high-quality native olive oil - this will give that typical holiday taste!

SPINACH did you know that most of the calories in spinach come from protein? Above that spinach is one of the best sources of dietary potassium and a great non-heme source of iron, along with lentils, tuna and eggs. Spinach is also one of the best sources of dietary magnesium, which is necessary for energy metabolism, maintaining muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, a healthy immune system and maintaining blood pressure.

FETA is a good source of Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Calcium and Phosphorus.





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