Oats????? ... the mushy kind your grandma used to prepare for you when you were a child and sick?! No - forget all that!!

Oats can be really delicious. Served for breakfast the slow-burning carbohydrates in oats will not only keep you filled up for a long time and are easy to prepare but will also do a lot of good for your health as ats, oat bran, and oatmeal contain a specific type of fiber known as beta-glucan - several studies have proven beneficial effects of this special fiber on cholesterol levels

oats - oat milk - berries - low fat yogurt

oats - oat milk - berries - low fat yogurt


Oats - only a cup of it provides you with over half of the trace mineral manganese you need daily. Manganese plays a part in the formation of connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors and sex hormones, and aids in energy metabolism, calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation and normal brain function. You'll also meet 15 to 18 percent of the daily value for phosphorus, zinc and selenium and 10 percent of the daily value for iron from eating 1 cup of cooked oats. These minerals support your immune system, healthy bones and teeth and proper red blood cell production.





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