Place the Chicken on the 'shrooms


Place the Chicken on the 'shrooms

Grilled chicken on aubergine puree with curcuma mousse add some leek and mushrooms - et voila.

Curcuma is good for your everything. Don't believe it? Tryout yourself ...
Check out whether you can get a raw one in your hood, plant one if needed.




NO EGG - Pancakes


NO EGG - Pancakes

NO EGG Pancake


Whether you are allergic, vegan or just don't have eggs at home -
you can still make yourself pancakes!!

All you need is: 

some flour
some milk or soy/oat or hazelnut milk
some soda or baking powder
and some small amount of oil

mix it all together with a whisk, drop in into a pan - DONE!

A veggie based diet is the key to a healthy and balanced overall lifestyle.

Eggs are a good source of protein, riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus and a very good source of selenium to name but a few of its benefits. Also in addition to good nutrition and disease prevention, eating vegan provides many physical benefits: makes your body stronger, more attractive, and more energetic. From helping the environment to avoiding serious bacterial infections, there is no reason you should avoid going vegan.

Learn to combine the vegan diet with other ways of eating for an even more healthy way to go or discover ways to keep your vegan diet healthy but more convenient.

#eatshitfu%! | 100 days of BODY EXPERIENCE


CLEAN EATING: Homemade Veggie Soup Stock (granulated)


CLEAN EATING: Homemade Veggie Soup Stock (granulated)

Yes, of course you can buy your veggie stock at the organic grocery, it's ok if you do that. It's even ok if you buy your usual Maggi, Knorr - whatever the brand is called - veggie stock.

Just make sure you avoid Glutamate and other enhancers...  I promise, this will be the difficult part!

With this homemade granulated veggie stock YOU can define the taste and - what's more important you can be sure about the ingredients.

I admit, it's quite time consuming, but it's worth it.

To start you have to buy quite large amounts of vegetables - huge amounts even...

My ingredients are:

carrots, yellow turnip, celery, parsnip, leek, onion, laurel, parsley (lots of), lovage (even more)

Chop all the ingredients as small as you can. Or put them in a cutter, slice them as thin as you can- whatever is easiest for you.

Put them on a baking tray (with baking paper) and spread them ---not to thick.

Pre-heat the oven to 50°C (=122F) max. 70°C and put the tray in - leave the door open a bit so the humidity can evaporate. Depending on How large your oven is, you can put several trays to dry. This will take some hours. Turn the veggies now and then and take them out when the are fully dried. The put the dried veggies in you mixer (I use a nutribullet) and shred them to powder.

Repeat that until all your veggies are dried. Then put the powder back in the oven to make sure, the last bit of humidity is gone. Add salt (sea salt, un-iodized ore stone-salt)

This is also a nice present!!! Simply fill the ready-made granulated veggie-stock in pretty glasses (no, that won't work with a glass of vegemite or Maggi-veggie stock :D )




Curry Prawns Buckwheat

Gently roast the prawns with onion, garlic, ginger, chilly and coconut oil. Add some soy sauce and red curry paste and cashews and refine it with coconut milk, cilantro and raisins.

Cook the buckwheat.
Put some spinach leaves on the plate.
Use some chives and cilantro for topping.

Buckwheat is low in saturated fat, and very low in cholesterol and sodium and also a good source of dietary fibre, magnesium, copper and manganese.

Why is fibre so important for us?

  •  Fiber slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream
  • Fiber makes our intestines move faster
  • Fiber cleans our colon
  • Fiber helps reducing constipation




An apple a day keeps anyone away if thrown hard enough!


An apple a day keeps anyone away if thrown hard enough!

Salad, onion, apples, boiled eggs, walnuts, avocados, black cumin, parsley, olive oil, chilly, salt, pepper, lemon

Salad, onion, apples, boiled eggs, walnuts, avocados, black cumin, parsley, olive oil, chilly, salt, pepper, lemon

Apples not only keep the doctor away it is also a good source of dietary fibre and vitamin C.

Vitamin C is good for:

  • cold symptoms treatment
  • healing wounds
  • lowering cholesterol
  • blood flow improvement 
  • lowering heart diseases and stroke risk
  • cancer treatment
  • reducing development of neurological disorders
  • reducing breathlessness
  • improvement of asthma symptoms
  • reducing arthritis symptoms
  • tuberculosis treatment





My "Hello Fresh" experience

I have ordered my first "Hello fresh" box... ok, now you might ask WTF is it. Well.... it's kind of a delivery Service. Just that it doesn't come ready cooked - YOU have to prepare it. But to make it really easy also for those of you, who aren't too much into cooking: the recipes are explained step by step and the ingredients come exactly measured for thand packed for each recipes.

Somebody I know already has the box for quite a while and is very happy with it - so I thought, why not try it. You can choose between 3 or 5 meals for 2 or 4 persons AND you have a selection of recipes you can choose from in advance. Also there is a Veggie Box for those of you who don't eat meat. You can switch between the boxes, numbers of meals etc. and you can stop the box for a week or more if you don't want to receive it,

The first recipe I tried is a Beef stir-fry- usually it comes with basmati rice, but as I am not the biggest rice-fan in this word I just prepared the stir-fry on it's own.

The recipe is really easy to follow. It tells you exactly step by step what to do when. There are some ingredients you should have at home but this is indicated in the recipe-Cards that come with the box. You can also check all the recipes via the "Hello fresh" App which I really like a lot. You can check out the recipes for the next weeks, make your selection or make a pause - easypeasy.

The stir-fry is quick and easy made - if you don't llike green beans take any other vegetable you like, e.g. Zucchini (they will also shorten the cooking time) - and DELICIOUS!

I have simply added a bit more lliquid as with the inidcated amount of liquid the gree beans would have stayed uncooked. (NEVER eat uncooked or half-Cooke green beans!! They contain phasin which ist a strong TOXIC and can really make you sick!!!) plus I have added some Chilis bevor serving as I am a bit on the spicy side ;)

The second recipe was a fillet of Turkey with carots and parsnips. Also this dish was easily prepared and really nice.



You definitely limit any kind of food waste as all ingredients come exactly measured for each recipe, If the recipe say "one clove of garlic" there's one clove of garlic in the box.

The box and the packaging for the ingredients is recycleable, the food is cooled with ice-packages

The delivery is punctual. You can choose between different delivery times, also evening delivery is offered

The recipes are easy and are explained step by step so also somebody who has no idea of cooking, cooking times or ingredients


Couldn't really find one, the only small minus is that most product come from Germany and are not regional, which I usually prefer when I go shopping  Because: If you have the possibility always buy REAGIONAL AND SEASONAL!!




Breakfast of the week: Millet Porridge with Apples and Cinnamon


Breakfast of the week: Millet Porridge with Apples and Cinnamon

When it starts getting colder I like to prepare myself for the weather ouside already in the morning... before I leave the house.  Porridge is a healthy and delicious dish which will warm you from the inside and keep you satisfied for a very long time.

Instead of preparing it the traditional way - with oatmeal - you can try millet instead. It will remind you of your childhood, as taste and consistency are a bit like semolina - but millet will do so much more for you!

Add some apples (you can caramelize them with a bit of coconut flower syrup first) and cinnamon!



Millet is one of the best possible grains to add to your diet if you want to protect your heart, which is something that everyone can relate to. Millet is a rich source of magnesium, which is an important mineral for reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks of strokes, particularly in the case of atherosclerosis. Millet is also a great source of potassium, which further keeps blood pressure low by acting as a vasodilator. Reducing your blood pressure and optimizing your circulatory system is one of the best ways to protect your cardiovascular health. Furthermore, the plant lignans found in millet can be converted to animal lignans by the microflora in our digestive system, and those animal lignans have been shown to protect against certain chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease.








Damn it... everybodys nose seems to be running, people sneeze in my neck. I am disgusted.  I wish I could shout at them "WHY THE F**K DON'T YOU MAKE YOURSELF SOME CHICKEN SOUP" (or at least use a handkerchief for gods sake!!)

The important about chicken soup is: cook it with love AND cook the whole chicken (or at least use the chicken Clubs). Your grandma's knew, that nothing helps better against upcoming flu. Maybe they dind't know why - they just KNEW. (OK I tell you - it's the zinc that's in the chickenbones and not only in pharmacy cold remedies!)

The longer you cook the whole chicken, the better - at least 1 hour, better 1,5. Take off the nasty foam bevor you add the vegetables.

My version: roast soup vegetables and onion without fat, add water, add chicken Clubs (remove the Skin - the soup will be less fat then and it reduces the foam), ad a slice of lemon zest or a Piece of ginger if you like, boil for 20 min, add the (cut!) vegetables, boil another 20 min. Take out the clubs and let them cool down a bit so you can take the meat off. Cut the meat in pieces and put it back into the soup.

Salt, pepper, fresh parsley - ready! If you want it more like a stew add some roll-barley while boiling.




The health benefits of Zinc include proper functioning of the immune and digestive systems, control of diabetes, reduction of stress levels, energy metabolism, and an increased rate of healing for acne and wounds. Also, it is helpful in terms of pregnancy, hair care, eczema, weight loss, night blindness, colds, eye care, appetite loss and many other minor conditions.

Zinc, being an important mineral, plays a vital role in protein synthesis and helps regulate the cell production in the immune system of the human body. It is mostly found in the strongest muscles of the body and is found in especially high concentrations in the white and red blood cells, eye retina, skin, liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas. The semen and prostate gland in men also contain significant amounts of zinc.





5-Spice meatballs with spicy Potatoes and and green-asia-yoghurt


5-Spice meatballs with spicy Potatoes and and green-asia-yoghurt

Almost everybody loves meatballs - typical viennese style with mashed potatoes, greek style with tomato sauce or sometimes just a juicy (Homemade! Not from the Restaurant with the big M -please!!) burger.

This is just one more way to prepare minced meat - if you are into the asian kitchen, you will definitely like it!

Minced meat (whichever you prefer - I take pork/beef half-half), mix it with egg, herbs (e.g. spring onion, red chili and cilantro or parsley, salt and pepper) and add some 5-spice powder. Be very careful with this spice as the taste is really intense!!! Once you have used too much you throw the whole thing in the bin...believe me...

You can prepare the meat in a pan (use coconut oil) or, if you want it less fatty, in the oven. Simply put the patties on baking paper and bake them at 200C for about 20 min. Take care they don't get to dark but make sure they are also done inside (especially when you use pork)

For the Sauce mix yoghurt (or my new favourite: SKYR) with lime cest, Cilantro, fresh nana mint and parsley. Salt and pepper of yourse and if you want a dash of vietnamese fish Sauce. If you like it you can also add some holy basil (Thai basil) - I hate the taste, but feel free....

Five-spice powder is an oriental blend of five fragrant (and healthy) spices ground together – fennel seeds, cinnamon, star-anise, cloves and peppercorn. Not only is this spiced concoction flavorful, it is also packed with medicinal properties. According to the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), theses spices is comprised of the five vital flavors that our bodies require to nourish our internal organs – sweet, salty, sour, bitter and pungent.






Calabrese & Avocado Oopsie Burger


Calabrese & Avocado Oopsie Burger

Oopsie rolls have been a favourite in the low carb community, and for good reason! They’re fluffy, light, thin “buns” made of eggs and cream cheese. Oopsies are a good low-carb bread alternative and can be eaten in a variety of ways - also sweet.




1 package (low fat) Cream Cheese

2 - 3 eggs

1 tablespoon baking powder

optional: flaxseeds, chia seeds, sesame- whatever you feel like



  1. Separate the eggs, making sure no yolk gets into the whites and placing the whites in a clean, non-greasy bowl.
  2. Using a clean, non-greasy electric whisk, whip the egg whites and the cream of tartar until stiff.
  3. In a separate bowl, use the same whisk to whisk together the yolks, cream cheese and salt, until smooth.
  4. Using a spatula, carefully fold the egg whites into the cream cheese mixture, working in batches. Work by placing a mound of egg whites on top of the yolk mixture, then gently fold the yolk mixture from under and over the egg whites, rotating the bowl, again and again until the mixture is incorporated. You want to use the folding technique because you want to keep the air bubbles intact in the egg whites.
  5. Spoon 6 large mounds of the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet. Gently press with a spatula on the top of each mound to flatten just slightly.
  6. Bake for about 25 minutes at ca. 150 degrees Celsius




New potatos with flaxseed oil


New potatos with flaxseed oil

When I was a child my grandma, who was originally from Berlin, very often served "Pellkartoffeln mit Quark und Leinöl" - cooked new potatoes with curd and flaxseed oil. A very simple, yet delicious dish that gives you body everything it needs.

I took icelandic SKYR instead of curd and put some homemade gravad salmon on top (recipe soon)... also you can mix the curd with any herbs you like.

Just don't forget about the flaxseed oil!


Flaxseed oil is derived from the extremely nutritious and disease-preventing flaxseed. Similar to the seed, flaxseed oil is loaded with healthy omega-3s, fatty acids that have been associated with healthier brains and hearts, better moods, decreased inflammation, and healthier skin and hair. With its nutty, slightly sweet flavor, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil is thankfully not one of those health foods that’s a torturous addition to your daily routine, which is great news given all the flaxseed oil benefits to your health.

Among commonly eaten foods, flaxseeds are an unparalleled source of fiber-related polyphenols called lignans. They are also an unusual source of mucilaginous gums like arabinoxylans and galactoxylans.

Flaxseeds are an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. They are a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B1 and and copper. They are also a good source of the minerals magnesium, phosphorus and selenium.




Moroccan style roll-barley and lentil salad with pomegranate dressing


Moroccan style roll-barley and lentil salad with pomegranate dressing

OK, barley might not be what you call a "sexy" grain - but now, with this rainy and grey weather you just need Food, that will keep you warm, even if it's as unsexy as a unicorn-onzie (and hey - don't we all love those???)

Of course barley is a main ingredient for beer which makes some people believe they are sexy... that might be magic, but it's not the main reason for it being called superfood ;)

Barley is extremely versatile - you can e.g. use it instead of rice to prepare a lovely risotto, or you can add it to your soup or pot stew to give it a more hearty note. And above all that barley is extremely healthy (see above.. superfood...) ... I guess if barley was a guy, I would take him back home to meet my dad.

This salad is just one way to prepare barley. I have precooked the grain in vegetable soup (you can use plain salted water, but soup will take it to another level of course) then added red lentils. As those are a bit tricky and get squishy very easily when cooked too Long, you better cook them separately in case you are unsure about the cooking times. Both barley and lentils should be ready cooked but still have a good bite to them.

Mix barley and lentils with a lot of chopped herbs - whichever you like . I took: Cilantro, parsley, dill and nana mint. (Don't overdo the mint as otherwise it'll taste like Wrigleys Spearmint...)

Open a pomegranate and take out some of the seeds - mix them with the salad. The rest you can squeeze with your orange squeezer or by hand. For the Dressing take the Juice and mix it with a bit Lemon Juice, salt, pepper and olive oil. If you can't get fresh pomegranates: try the pomegranate sauce/dressing you get a turkish supermarkets or grocery stores - it's really nice!

Let the salat rest for a while so the dressing can be soaked up . This salad is fresh and light but at the same time filling in a very satisfying way.

Bevor you serve it top it off with some fresh herbs and decorate it with some pomegranate seeds and dressing... .... you will love it

Barley is a wonderfully cereal grain with a rich nutlike flavor and an appealing chewy, pasta-like consistency.. Sprouted barley is naturally high in maltose, a sugar that serves as the basis for both malt syrup sweetener. When fermented, barley is used as an ingredient in beer and other alcoholic beverages.  In addition to its robust flavor, barley's claim to nutritional fame is based on its being a very good source of molybdenum, manganese, dietary fiber, and selenium, and a good source of copper, vitamin B1, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, and niacin.





Paleo-Vegan Chocolate Avocado Pudding


Paleo-Vegan Chocolate Avocado Pudding

avocado, cocoa powder, almont or oat milk, optional some mapl syrup

avocado, cocoa powder, almont or oat milk, optional some mapl syrup

Use a mellow avocado pound it with some cocoa powder and add some almont or oat milk and mix it up soundly. If you like it more sweet you can add some mapl syrup.

Avocado is very low in Cholesterol and Sodium and is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Folate.



Pear, beans and bacon


Pear, beans and bacon

"Pear, Beans and Bacon" is a typical dish of the northern-german ktichen. The first time I heard of it I was like...WTF? - but then I thought why not try it.

Instead of preparing it the typical- fatty - way I tried a healthy way of preparation with some crispy crunchy Bacon on top.

Pear, beans and bacon

Pear, beans and bacon

Despite the name, green beans are not considered a bean at all in terms of nutrition. Green beans are harvested with their beans in a pod before they have had a chance to mature. They are more nutritionally comparable to other pod vegetables, such as snap peas and okra. Green beans are also commonly known as snap beans and string beans. Green beans are low in Sodium, and very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate and Manganese.



No, no....don't try that... Mircale Noodles gone terribly wrong


No, no....don't try that... Mircale Noodles gone terribly wrong

As you might know by now, I am not so much into processed Food. I simply don't like it and I think it's nott necessary to use it, as so many freshly cooked dishes can be prepared in just the same time.


Sometimes there's just not enough time in the Office (or rather I don't take the time because I am stupid) and when I found these microwave miracle noodle dishes at the supermarket - asia style and bolognese style - i though HEY - let's give it a try.

Well.... sorry to say that... but: just DON'T!!!!

I have very seldom tasted anything more disgusting than that. Really... let the photos speak for themselves...

So whenever you think, you don't have the time to prepare something proper and have the intention to get yourselves one of the "meals" ...better EAT AN APPLE :D



DIY: Coffee Scrub


DIY: Coffee Scrub

Coffee, Coconut or Olive Oil

Coffee, Coconut or Olive Oil


Crushed coffee bean releases small amounts of caffeine, which is absorbed into our skin and may help increase circulation to our skin cells and contribute exfoliating action

Use the coffee grounds form your morning coffee, add some coconut or olive oil, mix it, apply on your skin and wash it off after some time.

Your will feel and see the effect on your skin immediately.



"Miracle" Noodles


"Miracle" Noodles

Have you been dreaming of eating noodles without piling on weight?? Carboydrate free? With no calories? This must no longer be a dram.... the solution:


Shirataki noodles are a traditional asian food, originally from Japan. They are low in carbohydrates as well as calories.Thanks to a very high amount of water in the noodles, they are very filling and also very low in calorie content. In fact, a block of these contains roughly ten calories – this is as close to zero-calorie-food as you can get. Some call them "skinny noodles" - which I total despite, I mean - who wants to be skinny??? Trained and healthy is the new skinny!!!!!


As they got quite popular also in Europe - especially for dieters - youcan easily find them at big supermarkets or at your asia-food grocers around the corner. You can find them also as "penne" or spaghetti - but to my taste they only go well with asian dishes - I simply don't like the texture with italian pasta sauces.

My favourite dish with shirataki noodles (or konjac noodles, as they are also called) is a vietnamese style salad , simply use the shirataki noodles instead of glass noodles or mungo bean noodles - but you can also stir fry them with vegetables and e.g. prawns.


The konjac flour in shirataki noodles is a good source of fiber. (Fiber from konjac flour is sometimes sold as a supplement under the name glucomannan.) A diet high in fiber can improve your digestion and strengthen your cardiovascular health. The fiber in shirataki noodles is very filling, and people who are currently eating a low-fiber diet are advised to start with small quantities of shirataki noodles until their digestive system can adjust. Shirataki noodles are also very low in carbohydrates, making them a good pasta choice for low-carb diets. They are also gluten-free and vegan.




Spicy Ginger Chicken Wings


Spicy Ginger Chicken Wings

This dish is easy made and ready in just 20 minutes ...while you have a shower... or while you paint your toenails...

Simple marinate chicken wings with: ginger (a lot of!), chili, soy sauce, a bit of lime zest and something sweet- I used coconut-flower syrup which does NOT influence you blood sugar but his is totally up to your taste. You can as well use honey, maple syrup, cane sugar or agave syrup - just (please) do not use white sugar. I find coconut-flower syrup perfect for this dish. It#s not too sweet and it gives a little extra special taste.

The wings should marinate a while... the longer the better. The simply put them on a baking paper (make sure you pour enough marinade over them) an in the oven at 200 C until the are ready, golden brown and crispy.

Serve with any kind of salad - I chose a mango and cucumber salad with mungo-bean noodles and cilantro


Ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbal medicine, ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative (a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientific research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.




The "bloody Choc-Shock" Cake


The "bloody Choc-Shock" Cake

Ok, I admit, this cake might look a bit like a horror movie... but trust me: it is delicious (and you can enjoy it without guilt)

Simply mix:

1 pack of low fat curd (use the full fat one if you prefer ... that won't do you any bad.. )

3 eggs

1 pk of baking powder (try tartar baking powder)

1 cup cocoa powder - I use the de-oiled one from "Rapunzel" but any other will do, just make sure it is unsweetened!

1 cup (my be more) ground oats (or buckwheat if you prefer)

1 cup roasted, ground hazelnuts (or any other nut you like... or no nuts at all if you don't like them -the simply take more oats or buckwheat)

1/2 cup oat spelt if you are on the super healthy side

As sweetener I use coconut-flower syrup or -sugar as this has no influence on the blood sugar!

...and don't hesitate to splash in a bit of rum for that special taste.

The texture should not be liquid but also not to hard - just like a normal chocolate cake dough

Put smashed raspberries (or any other red fruit) on top and bake it for 45-50 minutes at 180-200 C






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