After a hard workout you HAVE TO "re-fill" your glycogene-depot / carbohydrate-reservoir... otherwise you might end up a bit dumb (Yes! Trustme on that! Carbohydrates are important for your brain!! So you better not live on a no-carb diet!)

My trainer (...the evil one) totally EMPTIED my depots last friday - leaving the functional area of the gym I hardly made it down the stairs (now I know why the offer a stair-lift... should have been a warning! Watch out for the signs!!!) - so after making it home somehow first thing I did was cooking Pasta, quick and easy carbohydrates for my poor and tormented body.

Spelt Pasta - Asparagus - Tomatos - Basil - Grana Padano

Spelt Pasta - Asparagus - Tomatos - Basil - Grana Padano

Basil - a member of the mint family- has been used as a medicinal plant, and its oils and extracts are said to have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Fragrant fresh basil, for instance, offers a healthy dose of blood-clotting vitamin K -- 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh basil provide 27% of the RDA -- as well as vitamin A, manganese, and magnesium.

As this dish is not tooooo rich in proteins make sure you have a good amount of proteins in addition - for example some curd cheese or yogurt with fruits!

Strawberries - Yogurt - Honey

Strawberries - Yogurt - Honey



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