Even if this dish might look "difficult to cook" it's not - salmon is a very easy to be prepared fish and doesnn't need a lot of cooking or seasoning skill, because of its own delicious taste. Serve it just wit a llittle pepper and sea salt (try "Maldon" flakes!)

You might say - Radicchio?? But that's so damn bitter!  - NO! Not if you caramelize it with baslsamic vinegar. Try it!



Salmon s an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12) but it is their content of omega-3 fatty acids that receives the most attention.

Radicchio and other bitter foods such as leafy greens, cacao, herbs, and bitter melon all contain liver-boosting nutrients such as sulfur, along with fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).





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