Ok, I admit, this cake might look a bit like a horror movie... but trust me: it is delicious (and you can enjoy it without guilt)

Simply mix:

1 pack of low fat curd (use the full fat one if you prefer ... that won't do you any bad.. )

3 eggs

1 pk of baking powder (try tartar baking powder)

1 cup cocoa powder - I use the de-oiled one from "Rapunzel" but any other will do, just make sure it is unsweetened!

1 cup (my be more) ground oats (or buckwheat if you prefer)

1 cup roasted, ground hazelnuts (or any other nut you like... or no nuts at all if you don't like them -the simply take more oats or buckwheat)

1/2 cup oat spelt if you are on the super healthy side

As sweetener I use coconut-flower syrup or -sugar as this has no influence on the blood sugar!

...and don't hesitate to splash in a bit of rum for that special taste.

The texture should not be liquid but also not to hard - just like a normal chocolate cake dough

Put smashed raspberries (or any other red fruit) on top and bake it for 45-50 minutes at 180-200 C






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