Damn it... everybodys nose seems to be running, people sneeze in my neck. I am disgusted.  I wish I could shout at them "WHY THE F**K DON'T YOU MAKE YOURSELF SOME CHICKEN SOUP" (or at least use a handkerchief for gods sake!!)

The important about chicken soup is: cook it with love AND cook the whole chicken (or at least use the chicken Clubs). Your grandma's knew, that nothing helps better against upcoming flu. Maybe they dind't know why - they just KNEW. (OK I tell you - it's the zinc that's in the chickenbones and not only in pharmacy cold remedies!)

The longer you cook the whole chicken, the better - at least 1 hour, better 1,5. Take off the nasty foam bevor you add the vegetables.

My version: roast soup vegetables and onion without fat, add water, add chicken Clubs (remove the Skin - the soup will be less fat then and it reduces the foam), ad a slice of lemon zest or a Piece of ginger if you like, boil for 20 min, add the (cut!) vegetables, boil another 20 min. Take out the clubs and let them cool down a bit so you can take the meat off. Cut the meat in pieces and put it back into the soup.

Salt, pepper, fresh parsley - ready! If you want it more like a stew add some roll-barley while boiling.




The health benefits of Zinc include proper functioning of the immune and digestive systems, control of diabetes, reduction of stress levels, energy metabolism, and an increased rate of healing for acne and wounds. Also, it is helpful in terms of pregnancy, hair care, eczema, weight loss, night blindness, colds, eye care, appetite loss and many other minor conditions.

Zinc, being an important mineral, plays a vital role in protein synthesis and helps regulate the cell production in the immune system of the human body. It is mostly found in the strongest muscles of the body and is found in especially high concentrations in the white and red blood cells, eye retina, skin, liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas. The semen and prostate gland in men also contain significant amounts of zinc.





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