I have ordered my first "Hello fresh" box... ok, now you might ask WTF is it. Well.... it's kind of a delivery Service. Just that it doesn't come ready cooked - YOU have to prepare it. But to make it really easy also for those of you, who aren't too much into cooking: the recipes are explained step by step and the ingredients come exactly measured for thand packed for each recipes.

Somebody I know already has the box for quite a while and is very happy with it - so I thought, why not try it. You can choose between 3 or 5 meals for 2 or 4 persons AND you have a selection of recipes you can choose from in advance. Also there is a Veggie Box for those of you who don't eat meat. You can switch between the boxes, numbers of meals etc. and you can stop the box for a week or more if you don't want to receive it,

The first recipe I tried is a Beef stir-fry- usually it comes with basmati rice, but as I am not the biggest rice-fan in this word I just prepared the stir-fry on it's own.

The recipe is really easy to follow. It tells you exactly step by step what to do when. There are some ingredients you should have at home but this is indicated in the recipe-Cards that come with the box. You can also check all the recipes via the "Hello fresh" App which I really like a lot. You can check out the recipes for the next weeks, make your selection or make a pause - easypeasy.

The stir-fry is quick and easy made - if you don't llike green beans take any other vegetable you like, e.g. Zucchini (they will also shorten the cooking time) - and DELICIOUS!

I have simply added a bit more lliquid as with the inidcated amount of liquid the gree beans would have stayed uncooked. (NEVER eat uncooked or half-Cooke green beans!! They contain phasin which ist a strong TOXIC and can really make you sick!!!) plus I have added some Chilis bevor serving as I am a bit on the spicy side ;)

The second recipe was a fillet of Turkey with carots and parsnips. Also this dish was easily prepared and really nice.



You definitely limit any kind of food waste as all ingredients come exactly measured for each recipe, If the recipe say "one clove of garlic" there's one clove of garlic in the box.

The box and the packaging for the ingredients is recycleable, the food is cooled with ice-packages

The delivery is punctual. You can choose between different delivery times, also evening delivery is offered

The recipes are easy and are explained step by step so also somebody who has no idea of cooking, cooking times or ingredients


Couldn't really find one, the only small minus is that most product come from Germany and are not regional, which I usually prefer when I go shopping  Because: If you have the possibility always buy REAGIONAL AND SEASONAL!!




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