How much of our protein intake will be converted in to endogenous protein depends on its biological value (BV). The BV indicates how much gram endogenous protein is built out of 100 gram protein intake, its value depends on the amount and ration of essential amino acids.

Chicken Egg has the highest BV with 100%. Beef and Tuna each has a BV of 92,  cow's milk 88 and poatoes 76.

Combining certain food like eggs and potatos for example, lead to even higher BV of 137. So the body utilises the combination of these foods better than eaten seperated.

Eggs are a good source of protein and vitamin A and a single egg covers 38 % of your dailyVitamin B12 demand. Take note that nutrion of the oviparous chicken has significant impact on the egg´s nutritive value.

Potatoes are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Manganese.

Always add some veggies to your meals, in this case spinach matches perfectly. And if you want some more caloriens after your workout you can also add some bacon and cheese.



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