Even though spring has started astrologically, it's still not really warm outside - time for a savoury and easy to prepare (even though this takes a while!) dish that will warm your body and make your soul laugh :)

Sarma filled with minced meat and rice - cooked with smoked ribs for hours, and hours...and hours

Sarma filled with minced meat and rice - cooked with smoked ribs for hours, and hours...and hours

Sarma is a bit more salty and less sour than the german sauerkraut - so make sure you taste it before you cook it and if it's too salty, put it in a pot with water an baking powder (this will also make the leaves come off easier).

Today's sauerkraut is made by fermenting cabbage, salt and spices. Sauerkraut is an excellent source of vitamin C and B.

By the way... did you know, that Sauerkraut - the maybe MOST german dish of all - is originally CHINESE....?




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