You have that craving four sushi and maki rolls - but you pass on it, knowing, that all that white sugared rice (keep in mind, that sushi rice is marinated with sugar, salt and rice-vinegar) will do you no good?  Here's a quick and easy made no-carb alternative. Simply fill your nori leaves with whatever you have at home - mango, cucumber sticks, beef, duck, chicken or crabmeat - try some freshly roasted black sesame also!

NORI While seaweed has by far the highest proportion of iodine by weight of any food, pyropia yezoensis has less than any other type of seaweed; it is nonetheless an excellent source of iodine an vitamin B12. Caution: If you are under medication for hyper or hypo thyreosis or suffer from other thyreoid related issues please check with your doctor, whether the high amount of iodine in nori is good for you! As an alternative you can always use short-parboiled pakchoi or chard (mangold).

SESAME will not only give your wraps that extra crunch and delicious taste, but also is a good source of calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and a very good source of copper and manganese.

Also try the roasted nori leave - snacks available in asia food stores instead of other salty snacks in front of the TV ;) or as topping on any asian-style dish.




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